Web History
Evolution of Web Innovation
MJ Marketing has advanced the forefront of the web revolution through direct involvement in the progress of every aspect of web development since the beginning of the web...
The Foundation
The TCP/IP network protocol was developed by the ARPANET network project, funded by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), laying the foundation of the Internet
MJ Marketing founder Mike A. Thomann researches computer science and the evolution of networked computing1966
The Beginnings
Usenet is developed by Universities to connect and exchange news messages. Usenet is then connected to the ARPANET network through UC Berkeley in 1980
MJ Marketing founder Mike A. Thomann becomes a key member of the first Usenet newsgroups1979
The Web Invention
Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist at CERN nuclear physics laboratory in Switzerland, invents the World Wide Web ("The Web") as a method for scientists to share information
Tim develops HTML, URI, and HTTP, which are the three foundations of the Web still in use today
Tim also wrote the first web page editor, browser, and web server
August 6, 1991, CERN posts a message to Usenet newsgroups inviting users to visit the first ever "Web Page"
MJ Marketing founder Mike A. Thomann begins managing hosted content on "The Web"1990
HTML 1.0 / Mosaic
HTML 1.0 hypertext markup language is published
Mosaic web browser is released as the first to display both text and images on a page
MJ Marketing founder Mike A. Thomann adopts HTML 1.0 to develop websites for charity and explores the web's usefulness for business1993
W3C / Netscape
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) founded as an international standards organization
Netscape Navigator web browser is released with marked advancements over Mosaic, launching the Internet age
MJ Marketing founder Mike A. Thomann launches MJ Marketing, Inc. web development company to bring the Web's benefit to business
MJ Marketing develops the first business websites for Netscape1994
Internet Explorer
Microsoft releases Internet Explorer web browser
MJ Marketing staff grows and adapts business websites optimized for Internet Explorer1995
Graphic Explosion
Adobe Photoshop 3.0, CorelDraw 6 and Corel Xara are released to become the first graphics tools dedicated for web
MJ Marketing graphic designers provide ongoing feedback to Adobe and Corel for software improvements which are still in use today
MJ Marketing graphic designers create the first web icon library gaining widespread adoption through the early era of the Web1995
JavaScript programming language is deployed in Netscape Navigator 2.0 beta 3, providing the ability of the first browser-based interactivity
MJ Marketing develops the Web's first JavaScript interactive functions for business websites1995
SSH Telnet & CGI
SSH Telnet, a secure bidirectional interactive virtual terminal connection, is developed at Helsinki University of Technology
MJ Marketing adopts SSH to accommodate remote server management operations with improved security and operational efficiency
MJ Marketing programmers develop several of the Web's first server side Pearl/CGI programming scripts for online business1995
Early Annimation
Netscape Navigator 2.0 adds animated GIF support
MJ Marketing creates the Web's first animated content for business websites
MJ Marketing creates the first animated icon libraries gaining adoption through the early era of the Web1995
Linux Web Server
Linux/Apache HTTP web server platform released
MJ Marketing mirgrates hosting services to Linux/Apache servers for greatly improved speed and security, and with new "virtual" hosting functionality for efficiency and performance for business1995
Java JDK 1.0 programming released
MJ Marketing programmers develop the Web's first Java interactive functions for business websites1996
The Browser Wars
Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 3 web browser with "JScript" and proprietary HTML coding
In an attempt to control web standards, Microsoft's code is intentionally incompatible with Netscape's "JavaScript" and W3C HTML standards
This marks the beginning of "The Browser Wars" which evolves into ongoing intentional "compatibility conflicts" over the next 15 years
MJ Marketing programmers begin development initiative for extended "cross-browser" scripting libraries for open source communities to mitigate intentional incompatibilities, enabling enhanced web development to remain unhindered by incompatibilities of the browser wars
MJ Marketing develops exceptionally interactive websites of the era, incorporating its newly developed scripting libraries1996
SSL Web Encryption
Netscape releases SSL 3.0 as the first reliable web encryption protocol
MJ Marketing develops the Web's first online shopping cart stores built upon Pearl/CGI programming and SSL encrytion1996
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is officially published to The W3C
MJ Marketing adopts CSS for business websites enabling a new level of enhanced visuals and robust coding1997
RealVideo Streaming
RealNetworks releases RealVideo as the first video streaming technology
MJ Marketing incorporates RealVideo into the first business websites with multimedia streaming1997
MIVA Programming
MivaScript programming language and MIVA Merchant online shopping cart system are released
MJ Marketing develops and implements the Web's first MIVA Merchant stores for online business with improved functionality and user experience over Pearl/CGI1998
PHP Programming
PHP emerges as the fastest growing server side programming language
MJ Marketing adopts PHP for all custom scripts and form mail functions
MJ Marketing programmers provide feedback and input into the PHP development forum
MJ Marketing programmers develop and deploy the Web's first PHP driven shopping carts with full featured backend management systems
MJ Marketing programmers create among the very first real-time secure credit card payment gateways for online shopping1998
Red Hat Linux Server
Red Hat Linux goes public and becomes the most widely used Linux operating system distribution in use for web servers
MJ Marketing implements Red Hat and provides feedback and speed optimization recommendations for future Red Hat Linux distribution releases1999
The Internet reaches mainstram growth with 38% household saturation1999
The Dotcom Bubble
The dotcom bubble begins to burst and the Dow Jones sees its biggest one-day drop in history to date
The vast majority of dotcom companies are extinct by 2001
Excellence & Perseverance
"Entrepreneur Magazine" ranks MJ Marketing's subsidiary hosting company #1 hosting provider in "Hosts With The Most" feature article
MJ Marketing continues to develop unique interactive websites, online stores, and complex custom programming projects2000
MJ Marketing programmers contribute to the development of the upcoming "osCommerce" open source shopping cart through "The Exchange Project"
osCommerce Milestone 1 is released in 2003 as the most advanced open source online store with administrative back end based on PHP programming language and MySQL database
MJ Marketing increases its client portfolio with osCommerce-based online stores2002
To circumvent Microsoft dominance in "The Browser Wars", Netscape releases its code as open-source
Mozilla Foundation rewrites the code into its new Gecko rendering engine and releases the first ever Firefox web browser
Firefox quickly becomes the first real competitor to Microsoft dominance, with speed and feature improvements over Microsoft's Internet Explorer
MJ Marketing programmers contribute to the Mozilla Project with the goal of bringing an end to the browser wars
MJ Marketing immediately adapts business websites for full compatibility with FireFox2002
Adobe Flash
Adobe Flash gains widespread adoption as a single unified streaming media format
MJ Marketing transitions business media from RealVideo to Adobe Flash format, and develops Flash based media players custom tailored to business needs2002
WordPress blogging system with content management system (CMS) begins growth
MJ Marketing develops WordPress websites and assists businesses with managing self updates2004
ZenCart shopping cart surpasses osCommerce in features, reliability, scalability and performance
MJ Marketing contributes to ZenCart open source development project
MJ Marketing develops new ZenCart online stores and migrates existing stores to ZenCart2005
YouTube becomes the first popular video hosting and streaming service site
MJ Marketing begins transitioning video streaming to YouTube based on specific business needs2005
Google Analytics
Google launches Google Analytics service in November 2005. To this day, Google Analytics is the most widely used web analytics service on the web
MJ Marketing leverages Google Analytics with MJ Marketing's own internal web traffic solutions to monitor, analyze and optimize web traffic and performance2005
Joomla content management system (CMS) begins industry growth and quickly surpasses WordPress in global usage
MJ Marketing develops Joomla websites and assists businesses with updates2006
HTML5 extended markup language released
MJ Marketing incorporates new HTML5 markup functions into business websites and MJ Marketing hosted video services2008
Web Edit Live
Need emerges for faster and easier content updates than currently available content management systems (CMS) applications provide for businesses
MJ Marketing programmers develop proprietary robust "Web Edit Live" content management system (CMS) for greatly improved speed, ease of use, and functionality over existing CMS applications
Over the years, Web Edit Live has been updated to include online ordering, and full back end administration, and is still in use today by select clients2008
Google Chrome
Google Chrome web browser released, eventually surpasses Internet Explorer ending the Microsoft monopoly
MJ Marketing ensures business website compatibility with Google Chrome2008
WordPress Resurgence
WordPress matures to meet the needs of modern online business websites and surpasses Joomla in global usage
MJ Marketing develops both WordPress and Web Edit Live website solutions based on business needs2009
Universal CSS
CSS version 2.1 becomes a milestone as the first style sheet specification supported universally by all web browsers, approaching the end of the browser war era
MJ Marketing incorporates new CSS to streamline away from coding libraries previously required for cross-browser compatibility2011
Rise of Mobile
Mobile web usage begins mass proliferation. By 2016, mobile Internet usage surpasses desktop usage
MJ Marketing develops efficient and scalable mobile compatible websites2011
cPanel emerges as the most powerful, secure and efficient web server management system
MJ Marketing migrates business client hosting accounts to cPanel web servers, providing premium service at reduced cost
MJ Marketing provides feedback to cPanel development team for ongoing improvements2012
HML5 Milestone
HTML5 undergoes major updates and "W3C Recommendation" status with improved support for the latest multimedia and other new features
MJ Marketing leverages the advancements of new HTML5 updates for business websites2014
Google PageRank Mobile
Google rolls out new PageRank algorithm which incorporates the mobile-friendly test, giving instant search result boost to mobile compatible websites
MJ Marketing adopts leading edge Mobile Responsive Web Design practices into all business websites2015
Google PageRank Speed
Google rolls out new PageRank algorithm incorporating page speed factor, giving instant search result boost to faster loading websites
MJ Marketing develops and adopts speed optimization methodologies and caching systems far surpassing majority of web services, providing significant measurable competitive advantage2018
Interactivity Advancements
New exciting major advancements in visual enhancement and interactive Web standards emerge
MJ Marketing takes full advantage of new Web advancements for business2019